
Please see conventional, complimentary and alternative medical treatments for important background information regarding the different types of medical treatments discussed on this page. Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative treatments that may be considered include:

Differential Diagnosis


Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative Treatments

Herbal Medicine

Consider the following herbs, among many possible:

The use of herbal medicines is an art. Please do not try to self-medicate. Consult a qualified herbalist. Dr. Weyrich has been trained in, and is licensed to, formulate herbal medicine protocols, and has treated renal failure using herbal medicine in one case, in which improvement in eGFR was observed.

Neurotransmitter Balancing

Neuro Research [Hinz2015] reports that chronic diseases such as Renal Failure can be benefited by balancing neurotransmitter levels in the body.

Dr. Weyrich has been trained in neurotransmitter balancing protocols, but has not treated Renal Failure using this technique.

Please see What is Neurotransmitter Balancing? for more information.


It has been observed that kidney failure is significantly higher among untreated hypothyroid patients than among those patients who have been properly treated [Barnes], [Starr2005, pg 139].


The kidneys consume large amounts of ATP energy in order to operate the ion pumps necessary to concentrate urine and regulate the ionic balance in the body. As a result, the kidneys are very sensitive to mitochondrial dysfunction and to reduced flow of oxygenated blood, such as occurs in hypothyroid conditions.
